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Remote Learning Expectations

Google Classroom

Google Classroom will be used for Remote Learning as a result of a partial school closure or a full school closure or if your child is isolating.

Logging in to Google Classroom

  • You can download an app to a phone or a tablet or you can use on a computer or laptop.
  • Your will sent or if your child is older, your child will be told, a login email address and a password that will need to be used to access Google Classroom. Older children have been taught how to do this.
  • If you have not received your email or password for your child, please contact the school office
  • Information about how to access Google Classroom is available from the shcool office.
  • Please contact the school office if you are having difficulties accessing Google Classroom.

Remote Learning during a partial or full school lockdown

  • All remote learning activities will be set on Google Classroom. This will include specific work for them to complete as well as work from suggested websites.
  • Children will receive 'Live Lessons' daily and throughout the day using Google Classroom. The expectation is that your child would login and join these live video sessions. A Timetable will be provided for children and parents/carers.

Remote Learning for a child who is isolating

  • If your child has to isolate (and they are well enough), the expectation is that they would login to Google Classroom and complete any outstanding homework and any work set.
  • The work set may be from another learning platform such as Oak Academy. 
  • They will be expected to login and complete the activity/lesson.


Logins and Passwords can be reset for Google Classroom or any of the website links at any time. Please contact the school office if you need a reminder or a reset.

Links to websites:

Google Classroom -

My Maths -

Times Tables Rock Stars -

BBC Bitesize -

The Oak Academy -

Developing Experts -

Phonics Play –


Phonics Play –

Purple Mash -