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Pupil Leadership Opportunities

Leadership Opportunities

We believe it is important to develop leadership skills alongside teaching our children to become good citizens within our school community, as well as the wider community.

When we think about leaders and their qualities, it is clear to see that these are the core values we want to develop in our pupils. There are many ways that leadership is grown and developed in our pupils. 

There are a range of Leadership Opportunities available for children to participate in.

Some of these roles are elected by peers and some of these roles are through applying for the role.

For elected roles, children are asked to produce a speech and poster. This is presented to the class and the class have a secret ballot to elect their preferred candidate.

When children apply for a role, they are required to complete an application either by completing a form or by writing a letter of application. They are then interviewed and selected upon merit.

Community Leaders  (Elected)

Each September, two children from each class are elected to be representatives to lead and promote community activities both school and in pour local area. They prepare speeches and are democratically voted in to the position by their peers. New elections take place in September. These children are responsible for deciding on a project for the year and organising activities to support this.

House Captains (Elected)

Two Year 6 children from each House Team are elected by the other members of the House in September. The children prepare speeches and are democratically voted in. They are responsible for counting the House Points throughout the year and supporting our weekly Celebration Assembly. This year they will be further involved in organising House events and competitions.

No Outsiders (Elected)

Our No Outsiders programme supports the promotion and education of diversity and equality. Our No Outsiders representatives promote this throughout the school and work closely with the No Outsiders Team to promote this important message across the school and in our local community.

Play Leaders /Sports Leaders (Apply)

Year 6 children are asked to apply and interview for the role of Play Leaders/Sports Leaders. These children take responsibility for leading sporting games at lunchtimes and playtimes. They are trained to lead children in activities and are responsible for refereeing and organising activities. Over the course of the year, children compile a portfolio of evidence to gain a recognised qualification by the end of the year.

Eco Champions Apply)

Eco Warriors organise and lead activities to help make Westwood more green! They meet half-termly and plan an activity per term to raise awareness of local and national environmental issues. Children from across the school are invited to apply.

Music Champions (Apply)

Music Champions ensure all our instruments are in the correct place and in good order. They also support at music clubs and music performances. The children also help to raise money for music themed trips and invite visitors into school.

Junior Road Safety Officers (Apply)
Two children from Year 3 & 4 are elected each year to be our JRSOs. They promote road safety and organise activities throughout the year.

Wellbeing Champions (Apply)

Two children per class take responsibility for promoting mental health and wellbeing. They often organise challenges for every class to complete, and also encourage children to participate in home challenges.

Computing Champions (Apply)

Computing Champions support the curricular and extracurricular computing curriculum. They also promote Internet safety across the school and ensure hardware is ready for use.

Reading Champions (Apply)

Librarians are responsible for ensuring the resources in the Library are fit for purpose. They also return books to the correct shelves and support in auditing the genres and quality of the texts in our collection.

RACE Ambassadors (Apply)

As a school we are working towards the RACE Charter Mark. The children will be working together to continue our work on diversity and inclusivity and promote this within the community. 

Lunch Hall Leaders (Apply)

Our leaders come into the hall during lunch to eat their lunch alongside our Reception and Key Stage 1 children. They act as good role models and support the development of a school community where everyone talks to, and supports, one another. They model how to line up, use manners around the table and build a sense of school cohesion across the whole school. 


We are excited by the range and depth of leadership activities we have across the school and look forward to watching our students develop thoughtout the year.