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EYFS Philosophy and Pillars

Early Years Foundation Stage

Our Early Years Provision is for children aged 2-5 years old and was judged to be Outstanding by Ofsted in February 2017 and March 2015.

"Early years staff build exceptionally well on skills and knowledge that are significantly below age-related expectations when children begin at school". "Learning stories show rapid development of early reading and writing skills". "The provision is very carefully thought out and activities are exceptionally well together to generate not only strong and secure learning, but also excitement". "Activities are rich and enable children to explore the world around them". "All adults interact very well with children and extend their learning at every opportunity". "The outdoor area is a real strength and is used highly effectively for all groups". "The strong links established with parents enable them to participate and support their children's learning well". 

Our Philosophy

Child-initiated learning through play is at the heart of our practice and is embedded in every aspect of our learning environment. We believe that children learn best through active engagement with the world around them; and through meaningful and relevant experiences, supported by responsive adults. We aim to give children the broadest opportunities to play and make sense of the world. We observe their play and plan around their interests. Self-initiated learning and exploration are key ingredients to having independent children who are motivated to learn. Our outcomes show that all children make significant progress across all areas of learning, especially their Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy and Mathematics.

Our 5 pillars demonstrate what all the children who attend Westwood Primary school will have access to and be supported with. Our golden threads show how we as practitioners make this possible.

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Intent

Children in our Early Years phase follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which consists of seven areas of learning. We teach children by ensuring challenging, playful opportunities across both the prime and specific areas of learning. We recognise that all children develop and learn at different rates and so our EYFS curriculum is designed flexibly to meet the needs of all individuals. We support individual learning through our skilful interactions and observations which lead to detailed next step planning. The Characteristics of Effective Learning underpin our curriculum and pupils learning, through an enabling and well-planned environment we ensure we provide meaningful opportunities for playing and learning, active learning and creating and thinking critically. As children utilise and develop these characteristics they become effective and motivated learners who demonstrate high levels of well-being and involvement.